

Hi guys, How you doing? First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR (c'on it's still January, it's not too late for greetings!) Today I would like to tell you about this amazing experience called SMARTI ETN that I am lucky enough to be part of! SMARTI is a project that has received founding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under the Marie Curie-Sklodowska actions for research, technological development and demonstration. Within a  consortium of 30 partners, 19 of which from industry f rom 8 European countries, USA, Asia and Australia, we (15 fellows) are having  the amazing opportunity of a 48 month time frame for learning-by-doing towards the smartening of  transport infrastructures in Europe and beyond.    We are developing  our own research with the possibility of reaching a  Doctoratus Europeus while we periodically receive advanced scientific training courses hold during what we call "SMARTI TRAINING WEEK". During these “thematic” ...

What's RaCoMo about?

Hi guys! It's been a while since my first post. I’m sorry for not writing sooner but I was quite busy with work, first year report and then I finally was able to manage to go home on holidays for a while. But, here we go: I’m back! Today I would like to introduce a bit more of my project. RaCoMo means "development of a RAilway system component (earthworks, transitions, trackbed, drainage) remote COndition MOnitoring methodology and analysis tools to predict future system deterioration". The railway infrastructure industry addresses continuous works for improving its safety, profitability and sustainability. In this direction, a well-established asset management of risks and interventions is required for guaranteeing system good performance. Development of Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) is part of a national effort to implement Transportation Asset Management (TAM) and Performance Management (PM). GAM targets to reduce uncertainty enabling expertise to make ...

Here I am!

Hi guys!  I am Giulia and this is my PhD logbook. So, WELCOME ON BOARD!  I live in Nottingham (United Kingdom) but I was born in Sicily in the south of Italy and precisely in Castelvetrano, a sunny town near the sea with the amazing archaeological site of Selinunte within its territory! Palermo was my host city during my BSc degree period in Environmental Engineering at  Universitá degli studi di Palermo . I love that city for the wonderful weather, the sea and the terrific food!  Nevertheless, I decided to follow my passion for the geotechnics and thus I moved to the north of Italy to complete my study at  Politecnico di Torino . I  completed my MSc in Environmental Engineering (Geoengineering specialization) with a thesis on the “Influence of the conditioning on the wear on metallic parts in EPB tunnelling”. It was an experimental thesis carried out with the collaboration of laboratory “Tunnelling and Underground Space” of Polytechnic of Turin. ...